Vulnerability Scan Result
IP address | |
Country | DE |
AS number | AS44074 |
Net name | Cooperatie Royal Floraholland U.A |
21/tcp | ftp | ProFTPD |
22/tcp | ssh | OpenSSH 9.6p1 Ubuntu 3ubuntu13.5 |
25/tcp | smtp | Postfix smtpd |
80/tcp | http | nginx |
443/tcp | https | nginx |
3306/tcp | mysql | MySQL 8.0.36-28 |
8080/tcp | http | nginx |
Software / Version | Category |
Google PageSpeed 1 | Caching, Web server extensions, Performance |
HTTP/3 | Miscellaneous |
jQuery 3.6.0 | JavaScript libraries |
Slick | JavaScript libraries |
Livewire | Web frameworks, Miscellaneous |
Laravel | Web frameworks |
Nginx | Web servers, Reverse proxies |
PHP | Programming languages |
Tailwind CSS | UI frameworks |
PWA | Miscellaneous |
Web Application Vulnerabilities
URL | Evidence |
---|---| | Response does not include the HTTP Content-Security-Policy security header or meta tag |
Vulnerability description
We noticed that the target application lacks the Content-Security-Policy (CSP) header in its HTTP responses. The CSP header is a security measure that instructs web browsers to enforce specific security rules, effectively preventing the exploitation of Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities.
Configure the Content-Security-Header to be sent with each HTTP response in order to apply the specific policies needed by the application.
CWE | CWE-693 |
OWASP Top 10 - 2017 | A6 - Security Misconfiguration |
OWASP Top 10 - 2021 | A5 - Security Misconfiguration |
URL | Evidence |
---|---| | Response headers do not include the HTTP Strict-Transport-Security header |
Vulnerability description
We noticed that the target application lacks the HTTP Strict-Transport-Security header in its responses. This security header is crucial as it instructs browsers to only establish secure (HTTPS) connections with the web server and reject any HTTP connections.
The Strict-Transport-Security HTTP header should be sent with each HTTPS response. The syntax is as follows: `Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=<seconds>[; includeSubDomains]` The parameter `max-age` gives the time frame for requirement of HTTPS in seconds and should be chosen quite high, e.g. several months. A value below 7776000 is considered as too low by this scanner check. The flag `includeSubDomains` defines that the policy applies also for sub domains of the sender of the response.
CWE | CWE-693 |
OWASP Top 10 - 2017 | A6 - Security Misconfiguration |
OWASP Top 10 - 2021 | A5 - Security Misconfiguration |
Software / Version | Category |
Google PageSpeed 1 | Caching, Web server extensions, Performance |
HTTP/3 | Miscellaneous |
jQuery 3.6.0 | JavaScript libraries |
Slick | JavaScript libraries |
Livewire | Web frameworks, Miscellaneous |
Laravel | Web frameworks |
Nginx | Web servers, Reverse proxies |
PHP | Programming languages |
Tailwind CSS | UI frameworks |
PWA | Miscellaneous |
Vulnerability description
We noticed that server software and technology details are exposed, potentially aiding attackers in tailoring specific exploits against identified systems and versions.
We recommend you to eliminate the information which permits the identification of software platform, technology, server and operating system: HTTP server headers, HTML meta information, etc.
OWASP Top 10 - 2017 | A6 - Security Misconfiguration |
OWASP Top 10 - 2021 | A5 - Security Misconfiguration |
Vulnerability description
Website is accessible.
Vulnerability description
We have noticed that the server is missing the security.txt file, which is considered a good practice for web security. It provides a standardized way for security researchers and the public to report security vulnerabilities or concerns by outlining the preferred method of contact and reporting procedures.
We recommend you to implement the security.txt file according to the standard, in order to allow researchers or users report any security issues they find, improving the defensive mechanisms of your server.
OWASP Top 10 - 2017 | A6 - Security Misconfiguration |
OWASP Top 10 - 2021 | A5 - Security Misconfiguration |
Infrastructure Vulnerabilities
Starting Nmap ( ) at 2025-01-13 12:56 EET
Nmap scan report for (
Host is up (0.012s latency).
22/tcp open ssh OpenSSH 9.6p1 Ubuntu 3ubuntu13.5 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
| ssh-auth-methods:
| Supported authentication methods:
| publickey
|_ password
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel
Service detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at .
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 1.09 seconds
Vulnerability description
We found that the SSH service with username/password authentication is publicly accessible. Network administrators often use remote administration protocols to control devices like switches, routers, and other essential systems. However, allowing these services to be accessible via the Internet can increase security risks, creating potential opportunities for attacks on the organization.
We recommend turning off SSH with username/password authentication access over the Internet and instead using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) that mandates two-factor authentication (2FA). If the SSH service is essential for business purposes, we recommend limiting access only from designated IP addresses using a firewall. Furthermore, it is advisable to utilize SSH Public Key Authentication since it employs a key pair to verify the identity of a user or process.
3306/tcp open mysql MySQL 8.0.36-28
Vulnerability description
We identified that the MySQL service is publicly accessible. MySQL serves as a common database for numerous web applications and services for data storage, making it a potential prime target for determined attackers.
We recommend turning off public Internet access to MySQL and opting for a Virtual Private Network (VPN) that enforces two-factor authentication (2FA). Avoid enabling direct user authentication to the MySQL service via the Internet, as this could enable attackers to engage in password-guessing and potentially initiate attacks leading to complete control. However, if the MySQL service is required to be directly accessible over the Internet, we recommend reconfiguring it to be accessible only from known IP addresses.
21/tcp open ftp ProFTPD
Vulnerability description
We found that the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) service is publicly accessible. The FTP enables client systems to connect to upload and download files. Nonetheless, FTP lacks encryption for the data exchanged between the server and the client, leaving all transferred data exposed in plaintext.
We recommend turning off FTP access over the Internet and instead using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) that mandates two-factor authentication (2FA). If the FTP service is essential for business purposes, we recommend limiting access only from designated IP addresses using a firewall. Furthermore, utilizing SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) is recommended as this protocol employs encryption to secure data transfers.
Domain Queried | DNS Record Type | Description | Value |
---|---|---|---| | A | IPv4 address | | | NS | Name server | | | NS | Name server | | | SOA | Start of Authority | 2025010901 10000 2400 604800 600 | | CAA | Certificate Authority Authorization | 0 issue "" | | CAA | Certificate Authority Authorization | 0 issue "" | | CAA | Certificate Authority Authorization | 0 issue "" | | CAA | Certificate Authority Authorization | 0 issuewild "" | | CAA | Certificate Authority Authorization | 0 issue "" | | CAA | Certificate Authority Authorization | 0 issuewild "" | | CAA | Certificate Authority Authorization | 0 issue "" | | CAA | Certificate Authority Authorization | 0 issuewild "" | | CAA | Certificate Authority Authorization | 0 issuewild "" | | CAA | Certificate Authority Authorization | 0 issuewild "" | | CAA | Certificate Authority Authorization | 0 issue "" | | CAA | Certificate Authority Authorization | 0 issuewild "" |
We recommend reviewing all DNS records associated with the domain and identifying and removing unused or obsolete records.
Vulnerability description
OS detection couldn't determine the operating system.
Vulnerability checks are skipped for ports that redirect to another port. We recommend scanning the redirected port directly.
Vulnerability checks are skipped for ports that redirect to another port. We recommend scanning the redirected port directly.
Software / Version | Category |
PHP | Programming languages |
Laravel | Web frameworks |
Tailwind CSS | UI frameworks |
Nginx | Web servers, Reverse proxies |
Slick | JavaScript libraries |
jQuery 3.6.0 | JavaScript libraries |
Google PageSpeed 1 | Caching, Web server extensions, Performance |
Livewire | Web frameworks, Miscellaneous |
HTTP/3 | Miscellaneous |
Vulnerability description
We noticed that server software and technology details are exposed, potentially aiding attackers in tailoring specific exploits against identified systems and versions.
We recommend you to eliminate the information which permits the identification of software platform, technology, server and operating system: HTTP server headers, HTML meta information, etc.